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The Countdown to the 2019 Trail Begins! Venue #1 Corsham Town Hall

In the run up to the 2019 Trail we will be writing a blog post on each of our artists, venue by venue. These posts will expand on the information that you will find in our Exhibitor list and in the brochure with some fascinating insights into their work.

Kicking off our artist countdown are Michael Sutherland, Lyndsay Tarren-Leister, Chloe Pinheiro and Jane Jameson. These 4 fabulous artists will be exhibiting in Corsham Town Hall in both the Chamber Room and the Methuen Room. 

Exhibiting for the first time this year is Corsham based artist Michael Sutherland whose work features landscapes, portraits and still life in acrylic and watercolour.

In daylight hours Michael juggles a corporate role and childcare but enjoys locking himself away until late to work on his latest piece. Michael says, “I tend to work from my tiny home office, which is supposed to be for my day job, but is slowly being over run by paintbrushes and canvases”. Working in a career where he provides a service, yearning to be creative and having loved art at school, Michael picked up his paintbrush again in 2017 – “I don’t create anything in my 9 to 5 work, and this has always been an issue for me. Art helps me to scratch this itch’” Since resuming his love of painting, Michael has become obsessive about painting, “creating a new work is a necessity for me now and I have 20 years of lost time to make up”.

“I have always been creative, my first passion has always been life drawing but lately I have enjoyed painting seascapes. I love working with paint and experimenting with different textures. I live with my family in Corsham and I have the pleasure of working from my garden studio at home”.

Chloe loves to experiment with colours and textures to create interesting shapes and movement in her paintings, Chloe says, “every-time I travel somewhere hot I focus on the small details such as the pattern created on the bark of a palm tree or the marks made on a sea shell over many years. I am also passionate about colour so always focus on the hot and cold within my painting to set my colour mood”. The Peacock Arts Trail is hugely important to Chloe, as an opportunity to show what she does to a wider audience. Chloe describes her creative practice as life transforming. “I couldn’t live with out it because once you take the time to notice the small things, you truly appreciate all of life’s beauty”.

Jane Jameson – 

Jane describes herself as ‘a mature and happy artist’ who has found her way back to artistic practice, having not had the chance to do this since her early 20’s. Although Jane has always worked in some kind of art, in the past either signwriting or decorative canal boat art, she feels so grateful that now she can finally grow as an artist. “Art is really the only thing I’ve ever been really good at, the one thing that comes easily to me and brings me joy”.

Working from her home studio, Jane spends her mornings and early afternoons painting while the light is good and later in the day focuses on her ceramic projects. Jane sees art and beauty everywhere, unable to pinpoint what inspires her as she works on feelings, not thoughts. Jane finds inspiration from a cat’s markings to a classical sculpture, a bird on a feeder to a piece of broken glass. Exhilarated and liberated Jane enthuses, “everything holds the potential to be inspiring in some form. I am not sure I have a favourite part – colour is probably the most important thing to me, both in paint and glaze. What I love more than anything is that I can now concentrate on what I want to do, after the restrictions of the past. It feels as if I’ve been released from a prison into the wild”.

Youth Art Competition –

You will also be able to see the wonderful results of our school competition on display – the children were asked to draw/paint/create what they could see from their window. Here’s a little preview of the results…


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